
Sania Mirza clarifies her marriage gossips


Paris: Indian Tennis star Sania Mirza has rejected all media rumours about her marriage. Media reported that relations of Sania with her husband Shoaib Malik have spoiled. Shoaib malik is a famous Pakistani cricketer.

In Paris while taking to media, she has rejected all media reports about her marriage. Sania Mirza said that she and her husband are both professional players and are very busy due to their games.
“Now mainly we both are focusing on our careers, we were well aware about these things before marriage, it is true that nobody wants to live alone after marriage, but due to games we have to live separate,” she said.
She also said our relation is very special and we never talked about their personal life on media. We are made for each other and our relation is not depending upon our fans that what they are saying?
Mrs. Malik also cleared that she would never talk or answer anything regarding her personal life with media. we are very happy in our life.

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